Welcome to Year Three!
Welcome to our Year 3 classes page!
For all correspondence, please click on the Correspondence tab found on our Home page. If you need any further information about Year 3, please contact the class teachers via our email: office@brookfield.bluekitetrust.org
Please click the links below for further information on the Year 3 Curriculum and ideas to support your child.
Our Termly Value Discussion - Respect
Use kind hands, words and feet
Listen to others
Think of others before yourself
Consider people's feelings
Be mindful of other people
Consider other people's beliefs and values even if they are different from our own
Think about resources provided to us
Being kind and respectful to one another
Giving suggestions to others
It is a great way to make friends and to learn respect
We show teamwork by working together with friends
To help and encourage each other
To work together and help each other
To listen
To use teamwork we also have to use perseverance when working with others
To be encouraging when others are finding things tricky
Working together to achieve a goal
It can mean and show friendship
Being thoughtful to others
Having fun and being around friends
To listen to other people's opinions
Helping others to feel happy and to make you feel happy
Helps us to show the value of patience
Show it in games
Show teamwork when completing our learning by helping and listening to others
A variety of activities, games, websites and ideas for your child to have a go at, in order to enrich and extend their learning. Do note that some activities may need adult support.