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At Brook Field Primary School, we give Physical Education a high profile. We recognise that within the areas covered in Physical Education, as a school, we will provide as many opportunities as possible for children to experience a sense of achievement. It is very important to teach Physical Education in school since this has a significant influence on long-term health and attitudes towards physical activity in adult life, as well as developing physical competence.


We also believe an outstanding Physical Education curriculum has the capacity to extend a child’s physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, moral, social, cultural and personal development and understanding of British values in order to improve their self-esteem to enable them to reach their full potential.


To help achieve the requirements of the National Curriculum for Physical Education and to enable children to become physically educated, we provide opportunities for all children in Physical Education and address these five main categories for development:

  • developing physical and cognitive competence and confidence in the skills of planning, performing and evaluating movement

  • promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle

  • developing positive attitudes

  • ensuring safe practice

  • developing problem solving skills and interpersonal skills which will have a much wider application.

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