What can digital leaders do?
• Report broken or malfunctioning equipment.
• Review apps and software and make recommendations.
• Raise the profile of ICT in the school
• Fetch and set up laptops and tablets – ensuring these are kept charged. Increase the use of tablets and computers in school to support learning.
• Produce a termly newsletter for parents with advice on how to use Purple Mash and other technologies at home.
• Write instructions for different pieces of software or apps.
• Complete the Purple Mash Digital Leader challenges.
• Contribute to the Purple Mash Digital Leader Blog.
• Help other children to log into Purple Mash.
• Assist teachers and other pupils in understanding 2Code.
• Feed into whole school decisions about future development of technology.
• Test out new Purple Mash tools when they are released.
• Show teachers, children and parents how to make the most of the apps and software
• Make governors more aware of the importance of ICT in all areas of the school.
• Offer in-class support to teachers.
• Make videos and presentations.
• Represent the school at events sharing their expertise.
• Help to inform and enforce the school’s online safety policies.
• Create how-to video help guides