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Year Five

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Welcome to our Year 5 classes page!

For all correspondence, please click on the Correspondence tab found on our Home page. If you need any further information about Year 5, please contact the class teachers via our email:

Please click the links below for information on the Year 5 Curriculum and ideas to support your child.

Our Termly Value Discussion -Teamwork

  • Teamwork is when you work together and appreciate other's opinions.  Even if you don't like someone's choices, it can be good to work together and you can think of a different idea together
  • Without teamwork, we would be lonely - Phoebe
  • Teamwork is important because you can develop life skills - you always have to work together 
  • I show teamwork when I work with a group and listen to people's ideas and take their advice - Leo
  • Teamwork is important because without it, people and life would be different - like it would take longer to do things and there may not be as many creations - people would still have ideas but without teamwork, inventions would not be made - Emily
  • I think teamwork is out most important value because you have to prove that even when you're not with your mates, you still work well to achieve sometime  - Kiarna
  • Without teamwork, we wouldn't have trophies or victory.  We might not have the internet or other great creations because they take more than one person to make - Jessie
  • Teamwork helps you complete the goals of life - Owen
  • Being respectful and honest with each other
  • When you are put in a team work together in roles rather than by yourself.
  • If someone has an idea don't disregard it but be kind about how you may make a compromise and how to include their idea as well.
  • Include others in your game and encourage anyone who isn't playing.
  • Don't just have one leader allow everyone to join in.
  • Listen to each other.
  • Take turns.
  • Use kind words and encouraging words.
  • Being fair.
  • There is a fine line between being bossy and working as a team leader as you give people choices and listen to them rather than telling them what to do.
  • Avoiding arguments by solving the problem together.
  • Setting the rules down first so that everyone is aware of what they need to do and are happy with the rules.
  • Using sentences such as I agree or I disagree but without hurting anyone's feelings.



A variety of activities, games, websites and ideas for your child to have a go at, in order to enrich and extend their learning. Do note that some activities may need adult support.

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