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Year 2 Gallery

Year 2 were visited by Ms Rocha, who works for Lloyds Bank, and she led a great session for the children all about empowering young people with financial skills.

There was lots of discussion that helped the children understand the importance of money and the risks and emotions associated with it. They were encouraged to think and talk about their feelings regarding money, and learn the basics of keeping their money safe.

This session also equipped them with an understanding of the physical aspects of money, such as coins and cards.

Year 2 Cake Sale - We donated to Brighter Futures and bought more quality texts to read. Thank you!

Anti-Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day

Lest we forget - Remembrance

Courtney Tulloch visit

Children's Rights Year 2

Mini beast hunt with Ben's Magic Telescope

We've had 4 8 2 1 9 4 Visitors