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Foundation Stage Gallery

Friday Snack 15th November

Children in Need

Wild Science

Jess from 'Wild Science' visited Foundation Stage and the children loved meeting all of the creatures she brought for us to see. We discovered that the animal which looks like a hedgehog is actually called a 'Lesser Tenrec' and is closely related to an elephant! The children enjoyed stroking the guinea pig, seeing, Tequilla the curly hair tarantula and holding Garry the 'Giant African Snail'. All children were able to feel the scaley skin of the 15 year old, 'Royal Python', Barry. Some children even experienced holding the snake on their shoulders! We found out about what the animals like to eat and where they live.

Odd Socks Day

During 'Anti-Bullying Week',  the children loved sharing their 'odd socks' with each other and celebrating how we are all different and that's okay.  We should always 'respect' each other's differences.


Settling in to school

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