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Year Four

Welcome to Year Four!

Welcome to our Year 4 classes page!

For all correspondence, please click on the Correspondence tab found on our Home page. If you need any further information about Year 4, please contact the class teachers via our email:

Please click the links below for information on the Year 4 Curriculum and ideas to support your child.

Our Termly Value Discussion – Teamwork



  • Helping other people in a group and working together.
  • Never leave anyone alone and always be there for each other.
  • Working as a group.
  • Making decisions together and sharing ideas.
  • Helping each other when things are tough.
  • If you are in a class assembly, teamwork is doing everything together as one for something good and fun but it can also be helping everyone when things are a bit tricky.
  • Sports Day is a good example of teamwork because you do things together to reach one goal.
  • Giving everyone a helping hand.
  • Doing things equally within the group.
  • Everyone having a role or job to do within the group.
  • Working as one to achieve something.

A variety of activities, games, websites and ideas for your child to have a go at, in order to enrich and extend their learning. Do note that some activities may need adult support.

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