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Welcome to Foundation!

Welcome to our Foundation Stage classes page!

For all correspondence, please click on the Correspondence tab found on our Home page. If you need any further information about Foundation Stage, please contact the class teachers via our email:


Please click the links below for further information on the Foundation Stage Curriculum and ideas to support your child.

Our Term's Value Discussion - Responsibility 

  • Being Kind 
  • Picking something up before being asked to 
  • Tidying up toys 
  • Helping each other 
  • If someone saw someone throw rubbish on the floor, pick it up, tell an adult and wash your hands 
  • Don't lie to anyone 
  • Looking, listening, learning 
  • Good sharing
  • Sharing our toys

  • Everyone doing good tidying

  • Kind hands and kind feet

  • Doing what the grown ups have asked you to do

  • Helping our friends at playtimes if they are hurt

  • Helping others to tidy up the book corner

  • Following our Golden Rules

  • If we see someone's belongings on the floor we can pick them up

  • Using quiet voices in the classroom

  • Sitting nicely and quietly on the carpet and in assemblies

  • At home time we get all of our things and we put our bears away

A variety of activities, games, websites and ideas for your child to have a go at, in order to enrich and extend their learning. Do note that some activities may need adult support.

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