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School Day

Brook Field School Day


 8.40 : Classroom doors open, children allowed into school to complete Early Morning Tasks.

 8.53 : School bell rings to end Early Morning Tasks.

 8.55 : Registration complete, lessons begin. Children arriving at school after 8.55 need to do so via   the main school office where they will be recorded as late.

10.15 : KS1 : 20 minute morning break.

10.40 : KS2 : 20 minute morning break.

12.00 : KS1 lunch break, for 1 hour.

12.30 : KS2 lunch break, for 1 hour.

 2.30 : KS1 : 20 minute afternoon break.

 3.15 : School gates open for collection.

 3.20 : End of school day.


Total hours a week: 32 hours and 5 minutes


Before School Club: Brook Field staff run a welcoming Breakfast club each day. This can be pre-booked or just turn up on the day.  Brook Field Breakfast Club


After School Club: Brook Field holds an after-school club every day in school which is operated by the Big A Club. Contact The Big A Club directly for more information. 


After-school activities: Teacher-led after-school clubs are scheduled on a termly basis. All school-run clubs will have a register and parents will be contacted if their child is not at the club. 

Clubs run by external providers such as Football, Tennis, Multi-Sports and Forest School are not co-ordinated or supervised by the school.


Please click here to access our clubs page.






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